
scrunchie review // thestripedplaidandco

Hello and welcome!

I’ve recently been wearing my thestripedplaidandco scrunchies a lot. Scrunchies are so nice because they act as both functional and beautiful, and can be enjoyed in your hair or on your wrist! Well, as I was wearing one, I thought, “Why not review them? Doing a review sounds interesting.” So I grabbed my camera and semi-successfully got pictures of my hair, and here we are.

The Striped Plaid is one of my favorite blogs, and as Christmas was coming up, I requested some scrunchies. My brother got me the mystery scrunchies box

When I opened them on Christmas, they were in a small, clear plastic bag along with a small card about thestripedplaidandco. I didn’t get pictures of that, unfortunately, but Aria’s post has a very nice picture of the packaging. Since it was already taken out of the larger packaging, I didn’t get to see the bubble wrap but I’m sure it was as awesome as bubble wrap tends to be.

The three I got were the black and white plaid, a pink one which is not on the etsy shop anymore, and a grey one which is either the athletic scrunchie or the gray skinny scrunchie, I can’t tell which.

They are sooo pretty, aren’t they? My favorite is the plaid one! It comes with a really cute bow, but I couldn’t find a way to make it look good so I removed it and prefer it that way.

They look great in a lot of styles. Here are a few more I experimented with:

I apologize for the mediocre photography. It’s quite hard to get a picture of your own hair without a selfie camera, isn’t it? Plus it was freezing so my hands were shaking the whole time. I really don’t recommend it.

I love hair half-back with a scrunchie, especially the gray one! The scrunchies hold very well for a long time. However, right when I got inside from taking the photos I noticed that two of the scrunchies had gaps in the seaming 😦

On the pink scrunchie, it looks as though the two pieces of fabric weren’t aligned properly, so only one side got sewn at the hole. On the plaid scrunchie, it looks more like the thread is just coming out. I used white thread and a whip stitch to sew them up, and they still work well.

On etsy, all reviews reviewing the scrunchies are 5 stars, so it looks like other people haven’t had a problem. I would give them 3.5/5 overall, because 2 of the 3 had seaming issues. If not for that, I would give a 5/5. I would still recommend that you check out Hannah’s store and support her! No one else seems to have had a problem, and I’m still happy with my scrunchies. It’s awesome that she’s started her own business, something I’d love to do one day!

Well, there you have it: my honest review of my thestripedplaidandco scrunchies. It was quite a learning experience to figure out how to take photos of myself without a selfie camera, and I’m actually quite surprised that it somewhat worked.

Thanks for stopping by, and please have a blessed week! Try a new project, such as photography, painting, writing poetry, or hand lettering. There are so many opportunities to learn new things, especially since COVID-19 has shut everything down.

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